Vrutik's photo

Vrutik Prajapati

DSC Lead

TypeScript | Python | React | Java

Vrutik Prajapati

Web development enthusiast especially in Backend development

Harsh Metkel's photo

Harshkumar Metkel

DSC Dy. Convenor

MERN | React-native | SASS

Harshkumar Metkel

Web development enthusiast. Proficiency in JavaScript. Worked on some full stack real life projects as well and looking forward for many others.

Harsh's photo

Harsh Patel

Core DSC

ReactJS, TypeScript, NodeJS, MongoDB

Harsh Patel

A backend developer specializes in Node.js. Primarily uses JavaScript and the Node.js runtime environment to develop server-side software and web applications.

Krupal's photo

Krupal Shah

Core DSC

MERN | React Native | Django

Krupal Shah

A tech explorer. I like to get some handsome experience with as many technologies as possible. Interned with IIIT-H to learn some great new stuff.

Chaitri's photo

Chaitri Gudhka

Core DSC

NodeJs | ReactJs | Python | PostgreSQL

Chaitri Gudhka

Web Development enthusiast and a learner who is always looking for new opportunities. I have worked with NodeJS and ReactJS in web development field along with SQL and NoSQL databases.

Shivam's photo

Shivam Madalani

Core DSC

Linux | PERN | Android

Shivam Madalani

Worked with multiple tech stacks involving Backend, Frontend and Android. Currently exploring Linux and Networking.


Jay's photo

Jay Malaviya

Team DSC

Unity | Python | ReactJs

Jay Malaviya

Game development enthusiastic. Also interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence with Python. Currently learning web development with ReactJs. Always curious to learn something new.

Nikita's photo

Nikita Shah

Team DSC


Nikita Shah

Web enthusiast. Looking forward to collaborate with some new projects and work out with full stack development.

Vedant's photo

Vedant Trivedi

Team DSC

Flutter | Django | Java


Web Enthusiastic. Have worked On Django and Flutter. Looking forward to learning and exploring new technologies in Java and JavaScript.

Aayush's photo

Aayush Patel

Team DSC

Python | Tensorflow | Pandas | Numpy

Aayush Patel

ML enthusiast. Just started working on projects using various ML Algorithms and Neural Networks. Currently, planning to explore Deep Learning.

Bhavya's photo

Bhavya Dudhagara

Team DSC

HTML | CSS | JS | React

Bhavya Dudhagara

Web dev passionate. Proficiency in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Currently learning web development with NodeJS as well as SQL and NoSQL databases.Always excited to learn something new.

Pranav's photo

Pranav Patel

Team DSC

Node.js | HTML | CSS

Pranav Patel

Interested in Back-end development, have worked with Node js and exploring further back-end techonologies

Dharmi's photo

Dharmi Patel

Team DSC


Dharmi Patel

Enthusiastic learner and have keen interest in web developing tools. I am familiar to HTML , CSS and ,JavaScript and trying to explore more about it.

Maulik's photo

Maulik Kansara

Team DSC


Maulik Kansara

Learner in Web Development. Know the basics of HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT. I have achieved 2nd Rank in WOC 5.0

Parth's photo

Parth Vadodaria

Team DSC


Parth Vadodaria

I am a backend developer and expertising java language